10 Things I Learned on my 3rd Trip to New York City
>> Wednesday, November 21, 2012
1. If you thought there couldn't possibly be a place with less sitting room than economy class on an airplane, try a Broadway theater, specifically Nederlands Theater (where Newsies is playing).
2. You can end up never paying for a bus ride by having a different payment issue every time you board.
3. There are Obama condoms for sale on the Brooklyn Bridge
4. If you are still in a cab to LaGuardia 25 minutes before your flight home departs, you AND your checked bag can still make the flight, as long as you don't put your shoes back on after security and run.
5. If your brother is dead set on eating at Chipotle in Chelsea after his Volleyball practice, but you have no desire to be judged as "that person who eats at Chipotle and not somewhere fabulous while in NYC" check in on Facebook at the local coffee shop next door. :-)
6. Even in NYC you can spend four hours shoe shopping, and never find anything
7. If you are super tired at 1:30 AM after the long haul back from Brooklyn to Queens after a BYU basketball game and you don't want to walk the 12 blocks back to the apartment just jokingly stick your hand out and what you can only describe as "The Night Bus from Harry Potter" will appear from no where, run red lights for the 12 blocks, and get you back in 45 seconds flat.
8. The free apple juice that comes with your breakfast will be roughly the size of a sugar packet
9. The half time show for the college basketball tournament game between the Catholics and the Mormons will be a Baptist gospel choir.
10. Having fabulous friends pick you up on your birthday for a quick birthday dinner and cake (complete with GIANT lighter as seen in picture) will be one of the most appreciated gestures of the year!