Something Terrible and UNTHINKABLE

>> Sunday, January 27, 2008

Today is the NHL All-Star game and I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IT! What is my world coming too!?!


Ring Ring Ring Ring....I get it already.

It has almost been exactly one year since I ripped the diamond out of my wedding ring. It ripped out in the middle of the road on an snowy/icy day, and I was lucky that I found it after an hour. So, a year later, it is still in an Altoids box waiting to be repaired. Does that mean I don't care about it? Does it mean I kinda want a NEW one? Nope...aparently, it means that I just haven't had the altiods box, and a repairman in the same room at the same time. I wonder where my ring will be this time next year.


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