When my co-worker and I drew up the contract for this competition, it seemed his biggest concern was that the weigh ins be fair, accurate, and practically impossible to cheat at. We decided that we would weigh in at home on certain days that that our spouses take a picture of our toes on the scale with the weight displayed (everyone knows you have to weigh nude for accuracy). That, among other rules and prizes, were put into a scribbled out contract and we signed. The appointed day for the first weigh in came. That morning I woke up a little nervous, but fully committed to this contest (I have yet to tell you about the prizes and consequences). As I prepared for the weigh in moment, I eyed my scale and warned it that it better be on it's best behavior over the next two months. I had chose this scale for it's many virtues, different profiles, and the many things it measures like bone mass and hydration levels. I had, however, overlooked one of it's biggest "features".
I stepped on the scale in all my birthday suit glory and was ecstatic at the weight it displayed. I grabbed my cell phone w/camera and prepared to snap a picture of my toes and the display. Right at that moment a glimmer caught my eye. It was that moment that I noticed the worst feature of all about my scale. It is made of Highly Reflective Glass! There was NO WAY I was going to take the picture as requested. NO WAY! NO WAY EVER! AIN'T HAPPENING! I took a picture of the scale without my toes or any reflections in it and hoped it would be good enough for the co-worker. I sent him a text message informing him he would not EVER be receiving a picture of the weigh in as stated in the contract. The resulting text conversation went like this:
Me: We are going to (well I already do) have a problem with the scale picture taking.
Him: Did your hubby nix it? Is it too revealing for me to see your toes?
Me: Nope, it was all me that nixed it.
Him: Are you conceding? Cool!
Me: Well, the issue is that my scale is reflective glass.
Him: Well, Linnea, Mine is glass also and I had my wife take the picture at an angle and close as to block the reflection