
>> Sunday, July 12, 2009

11 Things I Learned By Doing My First Triathlon

1. If it is an open water swim, and you have never done one before, you might forget how to swim (even if you are a great swimmer) and have to do the half mile doing some sort of modified breast stroke/doggie paddle.

2. Make sure your timing chip is properly secured to your leg before you do the swim.

3. Timing chips cost $97 to replace.

4. If you are a slow, fat triathlete (or probably even if you aren’t), everyone (even the extremely fit hot guys) that passes you will tell you, “Good Job” or “You are almost there!” or “It’s just around the corner” or “Keep it up”.

5. It is easy to make the volunteers all over the course laugh (in a good way, not AT you).

6. It will be at least an hour (and probably more like 6 hours) before you feel like eating, even though you may be starved.

7. The extra pair of goggles you bring in case someone forgets theirs will be useful.

8. People are tough enough to do the run even though they forgot their running shoes (yes, barefoot).

9. While they are announcing the age group winners, PAY ATTENTION because you might have placed 3rd in your age group and not realize it! (this was NOT me, but the “wait around an hour after he is done to give Linnea a high five as she crosses the finish line” guy)

10. While they are doing the drawings for prizes, PAY ATTENTION or you will not know you won something, or make sure you have someone paying attention for you. (This was me - $25 gift card)

11. Being “Tricked” into doing a triathlon isn’t so bad as long as you have the most wonderful friends supporting you, cheering for you, and celebrating your success with you!

5 Things I Will Do Before My Second Triathlon

1. Train for real (example: Lose 700 lbs)
2. Practice open water swimming using REAL swimming
3. Work on my “running a 5k while tired” time
4. Find some sort of triathlon clothing so I don’t change during transitions
5. Register early and by mail to save about $50.


Ni Hao Ma 8:53 PM  

YAY FOR TRIATHONS!!! you are awesome!!! you are my hero...have i told you how absolutely fabulous you are!!!

Garbett Family 9:58 AM  

I am so impressed! Nice job Linnea! Are you planning on doing another one? Way to go!

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