Exactly How Blasphemous is this?

>> Thursday, November 06, 2008

For the past week I have been working on one server. It is a very important server, and no matter what I do, it will not work they way it is supposed to work. It either works half way, or not at all. I have spent hours building, rebuilding, configuring, and learning command line Linux scripting. Today (before lunch so I may have been slightly impaired from hunger), my boss came in to see how it was going.

I commented to him, “Do you by chance have any type of consecrated healing oil?”… to which he responded, “I guess we could try the laying on of hands.”

I then answered back, “Do you think there is a patron saint of VMware we should be asking for help?” He then replied, “Does this server need an exorcism?”

An hour later, and not at all closer to a solution, my boss returned. He suggested, “Perhaps we should sacrifice something to it?” I replied, “So, now we have run the gauntlet and gone pagan?”

Since we were on the same wavelength at this point we both said together, “…Or perhaps we should just call in a suicide bomber!”

It still isn’t working.


Garbett Family 6:48 PM  

I can just pictue it... We got a good chuckle out of that one! Michael completely understands, he deals with that stuff all day! :) So did you end up lighting insense and chanting?

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