My Still Weird MIL

>> Saturday, March 14, 2009

So, I have been collecting pictures from around the house to show you guys exactly how weird she is. Remember her "thing" about where my little Star Wars Kinder Surprise Yoda needs to be sitting. See this post of you don't. Well, here are the two locations is it apparently IMPERATIVE that Yoda be. One is on the top of a picture frame on the near the kitchen desk. The other is on top of the phone jack that we don't use anymore. I also like that he also has his own stocking all ready for Christmas time. I wish I had a stocking that was 10 times bigger than myself.

Just to mess with my MIL, this is what Jordan does to Yoda. It is usualy a few hours, and Yoda is back on the phone jack place of honor.


Pancake 4:11 PM  

That was the funniest thing ever! (The first post on her and the nice turkey for foxes and the trash bags!!) I love the moveable yoka, so funny how you mess with her mind!

Jenny Whiting 7:13 PM  

yes, i think you really do have the weirdest mother-in-law. really, how does she come up with those things? but at least she keeps you entertained, right? oh kinder kids would LOVE those.

Gwen 9:58 AM  

Yoda must get vibes from the phone jack...after all, it can't be easy being a jedi master in our pathetic, low tech society. I love his travels!

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