"No Good Deed Goes Unpunished"

>> Thursday, June 02, 2011

I prefer to think that it was Oscar Wilde that coined the phrase, but no one knows…. But it is part of my life.  J

It all started when I got sick of the nasty carpet in our family room.  It looked like this:

Then I discovered that underneath the nasty carpet was this:
So, with a bit of help and a lot of resolve, the carpet went “away”. 

 I am soooo happy with the results.  However, this was my “fabulous” MIL’s response.
“Linnea, I am not happy you removed the carpet.  That room is going to be SO VERY cold now without that carpet.  How dare you think that you know better than the professional master that built the house!  He put the carpet there for a reason (to keep the house warm) and who do you think you are to remove it!” 

I, however, LOVE the floors and I made sure to get the some great soap and a nice hardwood floor moppy type thing so that my MIL will have an easier time of cleaning it.  See how nice I am. J


CPS 2:54 PM  

The floors look great

Chris 4:01 PM  

If the coldness is a concern - tell your MIL to get up and clean with that new moppy type thing you kindly provided. Movement combats cold better than carpets.

Cindy 11:49 PM  

They look great. Now just buy MIL some nice fuzzy socks or booties and everything will be fine.

Bringhurst Family 9:31 AM  

Purrrrdy~but hey compromise and give her a throw rug to curl up on =)

Garbett Family 5:20 PM  

Love the floors!!!! So pretty!

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