Yoga Question

>> Saturday, April 05, 2008

So, all the people in my yoga class are extremely fit (except me of course). you think that they are extremely fit because they do Yoga, or that only extremely fit people do Yoga? Which is it?


Emilia 3:55 AM  

I wondered this same thing after having my 3rd? baby. I was lumpy everywhere and they were wearing spandex. So, not an option for me. My bigger issue was that they all seemed so calm, and there I was rushing in, breathless from having gotten my children situated in the babysitting room and usually hanging out some place or another thanks to the joys of nursing. They would all look at me with this look of "Oh. It's you." I got back at them by being bendier than they were. SO THERE, totally calm and centered spandex clad people!!

Linnea 3:26 PM  

Here is my friend Brett's repsonse.

"Hmmm… I think there are several answers for this. first, I think yoga is one of those new, trendy things that yuppie people have decided to do because it looks like a really enlightening thing to do and it makes them look spiritual and smart, and those kinds of yuppie people care too much about their looks, so they’re pretty people. You know, the ones who hang out at the trendy, one word arbitrarily named bars downtown (spill, hush, monark with a k, rise, mynt with a y, etc) and try to dress different, and yet they all dress exactly the same. So that’s one answer… another answer is that I think yoga is intimidating to lots of people because it puts you in very compromising positions, and I would venture to guess that there are lots of people who feel uncomfortable being in a room with strangers in those positions if they’re unfit and don’t think they would look good doing it. and this doesn’t go for unfit people – I’m fit, but I’m terribly inflexible, which makes me scared of doing it. since I can’t even touch my toes, I feel like an arm or a leg would fall off :-)"

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