The 10 best non-“price of gas” things about my scooter

>> Wednesday, May 21, 2008

  1. Ladybugs catch a ride home on my jacket and come to live with my tomatoes
  2. The smell of Laundromats, Lilacs, Sprinklers, Bakeries, and Mowed Lawns
  3. I get a great watch band tan
  4. 7300 miles down...? to go....
  5. If a bird hits you, it doesn’t die
  6. Gawking People
  7. Ignoring other enthusiastic scooter riders when they honk and wave.
  8. Having to get off the thing to push the crosswalk signal button since most traffic lights don’t recognize it
  9. Top Front Parking at Red Rocks
  10. I don’t ever have to give anyone a ride anywhere


Kerry 3:50 PM  

That's a pretty good list! I especially like #2. I always smell people's dryer vents when I am outside and wonder what kind of dryer sheets they use, becuase they smell so good! Lilacs too. ANd bakeries. And mowed lawns. those are allgoo smells!

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