My Font II

>> Thursday, May 08, 2008

While I was in Utah, for Arwyn's graduation, a lady she works with did it for me. I paid her $10 to do it. Well, upon returning to Colorado, I found the program she used to do it, and GUESS has a free download and a month free trial. Thus...everyone can now do theirs. It is called Scanahand. Do a google search and try it out. You will need to print out the template and then scan it in and then upload it to the program.

Arwyn's Tips for doing a better job...

1. Write out a few words that begin with each letter so you see how you REALLY make it when you are writing and not just how it turns out when you have to write out the alphabet.
2. Don't use a ballpoint pen
3. Fill out the template with a few sheets of paper under it for padding.
4. If you don't like the way one letter is on your template, use white out and do it again, don't repeat the whole template over and over and over again.
5. Rememeber that the font must be registered on each computer you want it to show up on. If you send a letter to someone and they don't have your font, Word will pick the closest one it has.
6. Don't try won't work.


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