
>> Tuesday, May 20, 2008

So, I had a post up since the last one, but the subject, MADE me take it down. :-)

Anyhow, Three times in as many weeks, Wendy's has advertised some FABULOUS Kid's Meal toys. Every time I just HAVE to have it, and each time I have been saddened to find a silly old Arthur toy. I really wanted the Sports Illustrated toys, and the Scene it DVD games. ALAS, I am stuck with the yellow Arthur toy cell phone/real calculator, the Arthur Stationary, and the Arthur Art kit.



Emilia 3:01 PM  

Next time you go, specifically request whichever toy you want. If they have it, they'll swap it for you. (My kids do this all the time so they can either get three of the same thing or three different toys.) When you are out here, we'll go. They bend over backwards to please you here, since Wendy's HQ is in the next town over.

Anonymous 6:51 PM  

You have the yellow arthur calculator?!

I've been trying to find that thing for a year now ahahah

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