iFOE v. iPhone

>> Thursday, May 08, 2008

We recently purchased some iphones on eBay. When they arrived, the seller had cheated us and sent us fakes. The phones they sent are so FAKE that some of the mistakes are funny. Here are pictures of my favorites.

1. The disclaimer on the back of the fakes....HILARIOUS!
2. The stem of the apple goes to the left instead of the right.
3. The model is "iFoe"....how funny is that.

This is just me making light of a really crappy situation.


Kerry 11:30 AM  

So now what do you do? Can you do anything about it? I hope so. That is funny though..I mean come one! If you are going to make a fake, make it look real!

candace 1:43 PM  

Wow. That is funny!
So now what are you going to do? Is there anything you can do?

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