Karma and the Wellington Lake Ducky Family
>> Thursday, July 31, 2008
Since my “brakes” experience kind of overshadowed my Wellington Lake canoeing, I didn’t get to share my favorite moment from GC with you.
The afternoon of the second day, just after dinner, I was down at the waterfront with a about 10 of the 12 year olds. They were having fun skipping (or at least trying to skip) rocks. Just near our beach there was a kind of cove where a mama duck and 8 of the cutest ducklings EVER were living. Okay, so all ducklings are the cutest EVER.
As the ducks were swimming back to their cove, one of the 12 year olds started THROWING HUGE rocks at the mama and her babies! I told the girl to stop about 5 times before she just turned around and laughed at me and kept throwing! After about another 10 times of yelling at her, I finally got a hold of her and told her to stop and not to even THINK about doing it again. Seriously, what kind of person thinks it is funny to terrorize baby ducks!!!!!!!
Well, about 5 minutes later, this same girl had gotten a hold of a fake fishing pole and had waded out a little ways and was pretending to fish. One of the other first year girls, continued to skip rocks. Well, one of the rocks “slipped” out and totally PEGGED the “rock throwing, duck torturing girl” in the hand. She was crying and left a big bruise and welt. I took her up to the nurse who gave her ice.
It took ALL the compassion and humility I have ever had to not turn to the crying 12 year old and say, “Karma is a bi*** ain’t it.”