Virtual Recital

>> Sunday, July 20, 2008

During the summer I have LOADS of free time, even though I work full time. Lately I have been buying lots of new piano music. I am enjoying learning most of it. However, I find that I need real motivation to learn them properly. Thus, I am instituting a virtual recital. I am going to learn a piece and then record it and post it. That way I also have some reason to learn a piece well. It will also be a game of "name that tune". I won't post the title, and we will see who can name it first. I will post the piece before next Sunday night.


Pancake 8:45 PM  

Do we have to name it within a certain amount of notes?? Or do we get to hear the whole piece? Classical?

Garbett Family 1:21 PM  

Okay, all ready to listen!

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