The Top 10 Things That Haven't Changed About Me In My Old Age

>> Saturday, July 26, 2008

  1. My favorite color has not changed (how many of you can name it?)
  2. I still joke about serving Lucky Charms out of my crock pot.
  3. I still spend a nice amount of time trying to track down people that have been dear to me at some point in my life.
  4. I still enjoy canoeing, basketball, camping, and game nights.
  5. I do not enjoy summertime. Give me Fall or Spring or Winter, but please…take summer and give it to the people that love it.
  6. I don’t have kids.
  7. I still have lots of creativity, but no artistic talent AT ALL!
  8. I still can’t get up until the last possible minute before I have to leave. I will never be the person who gets up early, runs, reads the paper, has breakfast on the patio, and then gets ready for the day.
  9. I still enjoy a good laugh and try to keep people around that amuse me, and that I can amuse.
  10. I still get acne…when does that go away…SEROIUSLY!!!


Emilia 9:20 PM  

Lime green!

Anonymous 12:23 PM  

Acne never goes away... and it travels and sets up a small village called Bacne on your back.

Sometimes it travels farther south... but this is where I stop.

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