Why I Won't Run on Bear Creek Trail

>> Saturday, July 12, 2008

I told this story to a friend yesterday, and I thought it might make a good blog story. It is PG-13, so don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Have you ever run or biked on the Bear Creek trail? It really doesn't matter, but if you have, you can picture this much better. There is a portion of it that is pretty thick foliage on either side for about .5 mile. So thick, you can only kinda see the creek, even though it is maybe 10 feet away. This was my preferred trail. It isn't overly flat, and isn't overly hilly as well, plus it is super pretty and there are just enough people on it to not feel like you are in the middle of no where, but not crowded. One evening about 20 minutes to dusk or so, I found myself on the normal path. About 2.5 miles into the trail, I passed a mid 20s guy wearing super white spandex running the opposite direction. About 3 minutes later I hit my turnaround point and started back. As I came around the corner where I had passed him before, I saw him about 50 meters ahead standing looking at the creek. As I got closer I could tell something wasn't right. I immediately thought, "Ooops…I caught him peeing.” As I got closer he turned around to face me… Turns out he wasn't peeing after all and I came pretty close to getting "squirted", if you know what I mean…as in …I am glad I picked up my pace and he didn't aim better. Now I can laugh about it, but it scared the crap out of me and still makes me want to puke. I haven’t been on that part of the trail since. You can’t make this stuff up I tell you.


Kerry 3:18 PM  

Oh, that's gross! Did you call the cops to report it? I really don't understand people...what is wrong with them? Seriously! Nasty! I am sorry you were scarred by such a memory...blech!

candace 11:32 PM  

What in the ...???? Wow.

Kristalyn 11:17 PM  

Gross! I can't believe that actually happened!

Garbett Family 1:20 PM  


Scoresbys 1:35 PM  

Reminds me of a time on my mission when my companion and I were taking pictures near the beach. A man nearby didn't raise any red flags. . .until I realized that he was REALLY enjoying our photo shoot. Yuck! I still can't stand to look at the pictures from that day.

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